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Causes: Counseling, Grief, Suicide

Mission: Kindness matters, and to the more than 5 million people around the world who lose a loved one to suicide each year, it matters a lot. We provide healing and compassionate support during the lonely and tumultuous aftermath of suicide. We help people survive suicide loss, and go beyond “just surviving,” to lead productive lives filled with meaning and joy.

Results: Over the last 6 years clients have called “Strides against Suicide a “lifeline” or has said our message has reminded them “how important life is and my life can be saved!” Since 2015, we have raised over $101,000 to provide crisis counseling slots for all school age students, and patients who are being released for the emergency room and for anyone who is having thoughts of completing suicide and we have provided critical incident debriefing for any employer or provider in the county who has lost an employee (an employee’s family member to suicide). In addition to crisis intervention, we have also been able to provide outreach and prevention and training and education about depression and suicide. Finally communities are starting to understand the correlation between our physical health and our mental health.

Target demographics: Survivors of Suicide loss

Direct beneficiaries per year: Since 2018 we make sure survivors of suicide can reach us thorough our crisis line of Facebook messenger which operates as a 24/7. Our website host several visits from people seeking information and support in the complex emotional aftermath of suicide. We also answer hundreds of calls and emails requests each year for information and support from survivors, clinicians, students, media, and the general public.

Geographic areas served: San Juan, Cibola and McKinley Counties served.

Programs: Desert View offers online resource for people bereaved by suicide. Our services are developed and supervised by Rick Quevedo, CEO and, Lauren Mead, a licensed mental health practitioner. They are anchored in best practices and answer a need not served by any other organization.

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