
Time Limited Reunification (TLR)

Time Limited Reunification (T.L.R.)

About this service

  • Time Limited Reunification is an Intensive home based program that support families in reunifying with their children in CYFD PS (Children’s Youth & Families Department Protective Custody) custody.
  • This includes assisting parents in complying with their treatment plan, in order to assist in reunifying families in a specific time-frame.


  • CYFD can only make referrals when they determine that a child will reunify with his/her parents. Only families who meet the following criteria can be referred:
  • Child has been in CYFD custody for less than 12 months
  • Trial home visits will begin four months from TLR (time limited reunification) referral date.

Duration and Referral

  • Services can be provided up to 15 months following the date of the trial home visit
  • Referrals can only come from CYFD
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