
Secondary Prevention Services (SPS)

Secondary Prevention Services (SPS)

About this service

  • Secondary Prevention Services is a community based program that provides support for secondary caregivers of children ages 0-5 to prevent child abuse and neglect BEFORE the abuse has occurred.
  • Provides individual one on one support to improve parent/child interaction, healthy child development, and parent education


  • Families with children 0-5
  • Families that DO NOT have a open CYFD (Children’s Youth & Families Department) investigation
  • We can take referrals from CYFD if they are on a CARA Plan (which is a federal law and stands for
    the Comprehensive Addiction and Recovery)
    Act, known as “CARA”) .

Duration and Referral process

  • Services can be provided up to 15 months following the date of the trial home visit
  • Referrals can only come from CYFD
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